Goanimate, a website which allows users to create animated videos, was one of the Web 2.0 innovations that I worked with this semester. Originally, I had planned to use it to introduce a unit on the Romantic Period in British Literature. My students and I enjoyed Goanimate so much, that I decided to incorporate it into our end-of-year projects. The academic plan requires that students create presentations this quarter, and in the past I have had them create Powerpoint presentations on British authors. To no surprise, this activity has not evoked much excitement in the students who create them or those who have to watch them. This quarter I decided to allow students to create presentations using Voki, Storybird or Goanimate. The presentations must reflect a deep level of comprehension of one of the literary selections we read this year. Students were able to choose which literary selection and which Web 2.0 resource to use. So far I have been amazed by the enthusiasm and creativity that is being displayed, and the videos are thoroughly entertaining. Here are two examples:
Student Sample One - The Wife of Bath's Tale
Student Sample Two - The Pardoner's Tale
I have creates a rubric and additional resources for this project. These are available on my Googlesite page:
Goanimate page on my Googlesite.
I have creates a rubric and additional resources for this project. These are available on my Googlesite page:
Goanimate page on my Googlesite.
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